Top Vision has the ambition to appeal the best in each person.

We have asked ourselves, who are we? What do we stand for? Of course, it's about making a beautiful eyewear presentations. But how you do it and which qualities you utilize determines the final result.

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Text and Image

We always remind ourselves; Be open to each other. Listen with full attention. Go beyond your prejudices. Address the highest in yourself and the other(s).

Experience the synergy, see the new possibilities that are spontaneously arising, make conscious choices and convert these into concrete actions.


We encourage each other: to be authentic, to be open, to show yourself, to live your vision. Know what you really stand for, what inspires you. Be aware  of what you want to contribute to achieve the common goal.

Dare to speak out. Create space in your daily activities for inspiration. To be really present. Enjoy the moment. Let your energy flow positively and be surprised by what arises.


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Odoo • Text and Image

We aim to create high-quality sustainable solutions in everything we do.. To connect, to listen openly, and see what the situation and the other persons needs to move forward.

To think in terms of partial solutions, working together in a process-oriented and goal-oriented manner, to verify your conclusions, match expectations, and communicate what you realistically can achieve. To monitor the progress and take responsibility. To maintain a real connection with the other and enjoy the creation of a sustainable solution together.

We design with beauty & simplicity for you
to be free in your creation.