Linneweever Optiek - WATERINGEN

Keeping an overview in one of the largest optical stores in The Netherlands
You specialise in "everything optical" and offer a very wide range of eyewear brands. How do you keep an overview?
In the store, we showcase everything by brand, which gives a practical overview and makes collections easy to find.
We have divided the tasks among ourselves and our up-to-date software allows us to manage the stock properly.
You specialise in "everything optical" and offer a very wide range of eyewear brands. How do you keep an overview?
In the store, we showcase everything by brand, which gives a practical overview and makes collections easy to find. We have divided the tasks among ourselves and our up-to-date software allows us to manage the stock properly.
Some just want to browse, others want to be advised and inspired
We don't have many impulse purchases here.
Some people find a pair of glasses in five minutes, but another comes back a few times.
Our customers come from all over the country because we have a very large stock. Wider and deeper, so more brands and more models and colours of each brand. The choice is huge.
Some eyewear brands must be presented in their natural habitat. For example, we showcase Rolf Spectacles on a workbench, and Chanel in a luxurious closed display case. We try to limit those different styles, to not clutter the store with different branded units.
We have set up an entire space for Etnia. This has to do with our relationship and we do large numbers with this brand. It helps lower the threshold next to the luxury brands we have. It is a beautiful brand with beautiful glasses for a large audience. The homely space immediately gives a nice atmosphere.
We don't have many impulse purchases here. Some people find a pair of glasses in five minutes, but another comes back a few times.
Our customers come from all over the country because we have a very large stock. Wider and deeper, so more brands and more models and colours of each brand. The choice is huge.
Some eyewear brands must be presented in their natural habitat. For example, we showcase Rolf Spectacles on a workbench, and Chanel in a luxurious closed display case. We try to limit those different styles, to not clutter the store with different branded units.
We have set up an entire space for Etnia. This has to do with our relationship and we do large numbers with this brand. It helps lower the threshold next to the luxury brands we have. It is a beautiful brand with beautiful glasses for a large audience. The homely space immediately gives a nice atmosphere.

The adjustments are a continuous process so something always happens, and customers notice this.

The store was completely renovated in 2012, have you often made interim adjustments?
Yes, I think that's important, Linneweever is a store where something is always happening. From having the "TU Delft Brunel Solar Team" in our store or just simply moving our counter. ‘To stand still is to go backward’ and it's nice when there's some commotion. We have had a fixed space for pop-up stores. but this smaller space could no longer be used due to corona. We made several changes but this became a bit of a hassle so then decided to tackle the store in advance.
Why did you choose to rebuild your sunglasses wall now?
The store was completely renovated in 2012, have you often made interim adjustments?
Yes, I think that's important, Linneweever is a store where something is always happening. From having the "TU Delft Brunel Solar Team" in our store or just simply moving our counter. ‘To stand still is to go backward’ and it's nice when there's some commotion. We have had a fixed space for pop-up stores. but this smaller space could no longer be used due to corona. We made several changes but this became a bit of a hassle so then decided to tackle the store in advance.
Why did you choose to rebuild your sunglasses wall now?
This had become obsolete and it was time to renew everything.
The wall has become very chic, how did this come about?
This had become obsolete and it was time to renew everything.
The wall has become very chic, how did this come about?
Initially, we had made different plans and we sought advice. I then started sketching with Ruud Bierings and my wife. We searched for different materials. Delivery time and price is a big challenge in this day and age.
All in all, it took a little longer to get everything done, but luckily it was done just before the sunglasses season. Ruud can always switch gears well, so that was very nice.
Initially, we had made different plans and we sought advice. I then started sketching with Ruud Bierings and my wife. We searched for different materials. Delivery time and price is a big challenge in this day and age.
All in all, it took a little longer to get everything done, but luckily it was done just before the sunglasses season. Ruud can always switch gears well, so that was very nice.
Why did you choose the electronically secured Alumina eyewear rods?
Why did you choose the electronically secured Alumina eyewear rods?
To prevent theft. This eyewear rod is firmly attached to the wall at three spots, which certainly slows down the risk of theft. Because of this security, it is also less interesting for thieves to break into to store at night.
Why did you choose illuminated spectacle shelves between the spectacle posts?
It was advised to me by Ruud, my wife, and Top Vision. It interrupts the large number of sunglasses and the more selective glasses stand out nicely. I trusted their advice.
Can you easily classify the collections with such a large number of sunglasses?
To prevent theft. This eyewear rod is firmly attached to the wall at three spots, which certainly slows down the risk of theft. Because of this security, it is also less interesting for thieves to break into to store at night.
Why did you choose illuminated spectacle shelves between the spectacle posts?
It was advised to me by Ruud, my wife, and Top Vision. It interrupts the large number of sunglasses and the more selective glasses stand out nicely. I trusted their advice.
Can you easily classify the collections with such a large number of sunglasses?
We have arranged them in a logical order by price and selectivity. It starts off affordably on one side and spills over into more exclusive frames. The fashion brands and designer brands are together, and we have a separate wall for sports glasses.
We have arranged them in a logical order by price and selectivity. It starts off affordably on one side and spills over into more exclusive frames. The fashion brands and designer brands are together, and we have a separate wall for sports glasses.
How important is it to show a lot of sunglasses?
You have to be able to switch quickly, so you have to show a lot. It gives the customer a feeling of having a lot of choices. If there are people who cannot choose, we guide them in finding the right glasses. I think with sunglasses you should show everything and don't put anything in drawers. With correction frames, more technical advice is involved, so it works better for that.
How much impact has this adjustment had?
How important is it to show a lot of sunglasses?
You have to be able to switch quickly, so you have to show a lot. It gives the customer a feeling of having a lot of choices. If there are people who cannot choose, we guide them in finding the right glasses. I think with sunglasses you should show everything and don't put anything in drawers. With correction frames, more technical advice is involved, so it works better for that.
How much impact has this adjustment had?
People come in with a “wow” response, everyone is very positive. The wall is a lot lighter, clearer, and well organised.
People come in with a “wow” response, everyone is very positive. The wall is a lot lighter, clearer, and well organised.
Store: Linneweever Optiek, Wateringen
Interviewee: Ernest Linneweeer
Store design: Bierings Interieurs, Tilburg
Photographer: Bierings Interieurs, Tilburg
Store: Linneweever Optiek, Wateringen
Interviewee: Ernest Linneweeer
Store design: Bierings Interieurs, Tilburg
Photographer: Bierings Interieurs, Tilburg


Alumina 18 remote white
Alumina eyewear rods are the natural choice for high-capacity presentations and seamless integration. Available in non-locked, key-locked and remote-controlled versions.
The remote-controlled version is operated by a remote control with a personal code for swift and comfortable opening and closing, providing ultimate ease of use.
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